Koru Montessori - established in 2006 and centrally located on Auckland's North Shore.
Like the image of the Koru, which is associated with nurturing and the young uncurling fern fronds, Koru Montessori celebrates the vitality of life, the unfolding of knowledge through movement, growth and a hope for the future.
At Koru Montessori we seek to inspire creativity, curiosity, imagination, leadership and the potential goodness and greatness in each and every child.
At Koru we believe learning should be fun and independence fostered through hands on meaningful activity in an environment where children feel welcomed, respected and part of a community of learners.
At Koru children relate positively to others and learn to be proud of who they are, where they come from and what they can do. They learn to make decisions and active choices for themselves and develop a love of learning which it is hoped will last throughout their lives.