As part of the Montessori programme, children prepare their own morning and afternoon tea. Koru therefore provides fresh fruit, vegetables and snacks such as rice crackers, bread, pretzels, cereal, dried fruit and spread such as hummus and vegemite in order for the children to do this. We also bake with the children which they then share as part of morning or afternoon tea.
As the morning session finishes at 1pm, this includes lunch. Your child should therefore bring a nutritious lunch in a named lunchbox. Koru does have a food policy and you are most welcome to read it at any time. Please, no sweets, nuts, chippies or high sugar or salt foods. If your child has special dietary requirements please inform the centre on your enrolment form.
A copy of the food items available for your child to eat for morning or afternoon tea is available on request.
We are limited in the number of children in nappies we can care for. Preference will be given to children who are fully toilet trained, however we do accept children in nappies (although pullups are preferred). This will be on a case by case basis.
Koru Montessori does have a minimum attendance requirement. These are linked to the age of your child. Children are more settled when they attend regularly. It gives them a sense of belonging and consistency. Regular and frequent attendance also enables children to form solid friendships.
We do not rest children at Koru. If your child requires a regular nap we suggest they attend either half days or alternate days to ensure they get the rest they need.
We recommend children have at least 2 to 3 transition visits prior to their official start date. During these pre-start visits the parents/whanau will be given opportunity to discuss their child’s individual needs and interests with their teachers and the child will be introduced to the teaching team, other children and some activities in the centre.
Parents are invited to complete a questionnaire which tells us about the child’s family, pets, interests, likes and dislikes, and what is important to you as a family.
All our teaching team hold current first aid certificates. This includes training in the use of Epipens and allergy management. If your child has a food or other allergy we are happy to accept them and work with you on an individual management plan.
At Koru Montessori we consider relationships between the home and the centre essential to the wellbeing of your child and an integral part of the Montessori philosophy. We use Educa, a password protected online portfolio tool to communicate learning stories, newsletters, upcoming events and messages. We also print these learning stories to create a book for your child, which they have access to at any time in the classroom. There is plenty of opportunity for quick casual day to day conversations with the team at drop off and pick up times and also the opportunity for more formal meetings should you like some designated one on one time with the centre owner and or your child’s key teacher.